GTT userid | ||
GTT password | ||
trade flow * | para name=impexp | |
latest N available months ** | para name=latestavailablemonths [number from 1 to max 36; latestavailablemonths has precedence over latestmonths and from] |
latest N calendar months ** | para name=latestmonths [number from 1 to max 36; latestmonths has precedence over from] |
from ** | para name=from [YYYY-MM or YYYY please note: the parameters latestavailablemonths and latestmonths have precedence over this parameter] |
to | para name=to [YYYY-MM or YYYY; if empty the current (latest) months is used. May be combined with latestmonths] |
same period N previous years | para name=fetchsameperiodnyears [positive number; if specified, the report will include the data for the same period in N previous years] |
reporting countries or groups * | para name=reporter [coma or semicolon separated list: country codes or group names] |
hs codes * | para name=hscode [coma or semicolon separated list: HS codes, group names or section codes (e.g. 'S01')] |
(*) = mandatory fields (**) = one of the two fields must be set |
source | para name=source multiple entries are allowed, e.g. NATIONAL,EUROSTAT |
filter by source | para name=filterbysource | |
mirror report | para name=mirrored | |
partner country codes | para name=partner [coma or semicolon separated list: country codes or group names -- empty=ALL countries] |
updated after | para name=updatedAfter [Include only data, which was updated after this time. YYYY-MM or YYYY or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ] |
period type | para name=periodtype | |
months to aggregate | para name=aggregatemonths [number of months to aggregate (ignored if the 'period type' is specified)] |
allow only complete periods | para name=onlycompleteperiods [include only the periods, for which all reporters have the complete data (typically used for Eurostat data)] |
accumulate reporter country groups | para name=accumulatereportergroups [accumulate the reporter country groups, otherwise individual countries from the groups will be used] |
require all data in accumulated reporter country groups to be reported | para name=requirealldatareported [if false - allow periods, for which not all members in the accumulated reporter country groups have the data] |
use the mirror data if the country does not provide its own data | para name=fallbacktomirrordata [if true - allow to use the mirror data if the country does not provide its own trade data] |
use the mirror data if the country does not provide the data for the requested period | para name=mirrormissingperiods [if true - use the mirror data if the country does not provide the trade data for the requested period] |
accumulate partner country groups | para name=accumulatepartnergroups [accumulate the partner country groups, otherwise individual countries from the groups will be used] |
accumulate commodity groups | para name=accumulatecommoditygroups [accumulate the commodity groups, otherwise individual HS codes from the groups will be used] |
explode hs to level | para name=hslevel | |
currency | para name=currency [original currency is used if not specified] |
quantity unit | para name=unit [original quantity unit is used if not specified] |
preferred quantity unit | para name=unitpreferred [convert either primary or secondary quantity unit] |
precision | para name=decimalscale [number of digits after decimal point] |
use custom conversion rules | para name=customconversionrules [use the custom conversion rules for quantity units defined on the 'Options' page in GTT] |
exclude intra trade | para name=excludeintratrade [trade between the members of the country group is excluded] |
include all other partner countries | para name=includeotherpartners | |
accumulate other countries | para name=accumulateotherpartners [accumulate other countries into the single entry 'Other Countries'] |
data elements | para name=dataelements [coma or semicolon separated list: V (value), Q1 (quantity1), Q2 (quantity2)] |
value threshold | min: max: | parameter names=minV - maxV [include only data, which is between min and max] |
quantity1 threshold | min: max: | parameter names=minQ1 - maxQ1 [include only data, which is between min and max] |
quantity2 threshold | min: max: | parameter names=minQ2 - maxQ2 [include only data, which is between min and max] |
preferred quantity threshold | min: max: | parameter names=minQPreferred - maxQPreferred [include only data, which is between min and max] |
trade details | para name=tradedetails mutliple values are allowed |
trade details filter | ||
SUBDIVISION | para name=SUBDIVISION [coma or semicolon separated list of numeric ids] |
PORT | para name=PORT [coma or semicolon separated list of numeric ids] |
TRANSPORT | para name=TRANSPORT [coma or semicolon separated list of numeric ids] |
FOREIGN_PORT | para name=FOREIGN_PORT [coma or semicolon separated list of numeric ids] |
PARTNER_US_STATE | para name=PARTNER_US_STATE [coma or semicolon separated list of numeric ids] |
CUSTOMS_REGIME | para name=CUSTOMS_REGIME [coma or semicolon separated list of numeric ids] |
SUPPRESSION | para name=SUPPRESSION [coma or semicolon separated list of numeric ids] |
language | para name=lang | |
fields | para name=field [coma or semicolon separated list of report field ids] |