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version 2501

Accessing Trade Data

Use the URI defined in chapter 4.6 to create and access datasets using GTT’s REST API.
You can retrieve data by sending an HTTPS GET or POST request to the URI with the appropriate (query string) parameters.
Chapter Parameters lists all the available parameters you can use.

The following API call will retrieve the monthly import value from January 2016 to June 2016 for Germany and Switzerland for HS Codes 8401 and 2703 in JSON format (if the following API Token was valid – the one below is not valid).

Access the GTT REST API with Microsoft PowerBI

The GTT REST API can be accessed and queried through Microsoft PowerBI as well:
See for a quick overview.

Access the GTT REST API with Tableau Server

The GTT REST API can be queried through a Tableau server as well:
See for a quick overview on how to access the GTT REST API through its GTT WDC (Web Data Connector).